Job and Career Opportunities - we are looking forward to work with you
  • Stratbeans is a boutique consulting company which guides organisations with useful tips and tricks when they are exploring the idea of interactive online training and testing.
  • Also we offer trial and licenses for many useful products and services which make online learning a reality.

About Our Team Members

Job and Career

Apply For Open Positions of Technology Roles

Senior PHP Developer

Learning Management System
Android Developer

IOS Developer

Software Developer (PHP Freshers)

UI/UX Designer

Full Stack Developer

Technical Manager

AWS Linux Administrator (ALA)

Learning Experience Platform Assessment Tool
Software Developer (Product R&D)

Apply For Open Positions of Sales Role

Assistant Sales Manager

Job and Career – Apply For Positions of E-Learning Role

Instructional Designer

Graphic Designer

Articulate Developer

Job & Career The Stratbeans Experience

Job & Career
Job & Career
Job & Career
Job & Career
Job & Career